Getting Ready for Moravian…but, not so fast!

I was scheduled to begin my coaching gig down at Moravian College tomorrow.  But a little glitch jumped into the mix.  I am currently on hold as I wait for some property to arrive from Switzerland.

I am still sitting here at home waiting for a box to arrive from Milan, Italy with my computer and iPad.  They were sent a day or so ago, so who knows how long it will take for them to get here to Michigan.

But, my trip down to Pennsylvania hinges on when those things arrive.  So…the Moravian Greyhounds coaching experience is on hold right now.  I have no doubt that they will be fine without me.  But, none-the-less I am looking forward to heading down and trying to help the team out as much as I can.

It’s hard to believe that I have been coaching there for the last five seasons (or is it six?).  But the time certainly has flashed by and I have enjoyed every second of it.  Really, the experience has been very good for me all the way around.

There is no doubt that being in the Lehigh Valley for a few months is always a lot of fun.  I get to visit with family and friends as well as continue with my life’s  work which is working with young men involved in football.  When I look back over the years I really feel grateful to have had all of the opportunities that I have had.

I have never taken the role of a football coach for granted…and I never will.  I consider it a privilege to be called “Coach”.  Although sometimes when they use an cuss-word as an adjective in front of coach to criticize us coaches well you know…. well that isn’t so cool.  (Like “That @#$% coach is a dumbass” etc.)  But, you cannot let stuff like that bother you.

Our group “Sound Mind Sound Body-Europe” just returned from Tenero, Switzerland a few days ago after our first ever football camp there.  In fact that may be the first American Football Camp ever held in Switzerland.  How cool is that??!!

Luckily I traveled with two very exceptional guys and a fantastic young lady.  Two men who are my friends.  Curtis Blackwell who is the founder of the nation wide brand of “Sound Mind Sound Body” (with his sister Jasmine who basically is our football operations person among other football jobs she performed without a hitch in her step)  and Terry Copacia who created “All State Quarterback School.”  Great traveling companions and also people who you can count on at all times.

I have met some extraordinary people over the years.  But Terry and Curtis are exceptional people.  They are both businessmen who have taught me a lot in that aspect – yet they are also coaches who understand that end of our project as well.  I am lucky to be with them and they really counsel me daily in how to be a leader and someone who can inspire young people to get better.

Unfortunately while we were in Switzerland the internet and WiFi was intermittent at best.  So my blog lagged terribly.  My intention was to write something everyday.  But, that didn’t turn out to be what happened!  In fact some of the stuff I thought got posted certainly is floating out there in cyberspace because it certainly did not end up in my blogosphere.

***Did you ever wonder where some of the things you worked on end up?  I mean, we have all worked at things on the computer only to have our work disappear.  Where in the hell did it go?  I guess that little man who lives in your computer has to play a few jokes on us now and then??  Or maybe we should have just clicked on the “Save” button every now and then?!?***

So, now I try to catch up on my writing.  But, I have to think back and try to remember some of the things that happened.  Truly, my mind isn’t what it used to be.  Imagine that!

All I know is being in Switzerland is a tremendous experience – one that you should find out about.  You are at the top of the world and it is just a lovely country with fantastic people.  Get there when you can (this is my “info”mercial for the Swiss Travel Guide)  But seriously you should go there if you have a chance.

But now that I am back to reality here in the US I have to prepare for a very interesting fall.  First off- It is going to be a great year at Moravian.  We have a solid and cohesive group of players returning.

In this bunch there are some outstanding leaders and they have helped the coaching staff mold a tough minded squad of players.  This is a group that knows what it takes to get the job done…..a collection of athletes that are willing to work hard and prepare each week through the grind of a long season.

It will truly be fun to watch them play as a bonded unit!